
Observations For Whatever It's Worth

There are many political signs up. Do not think there was one for Obama all across Kansas and it was two thirds of the way across Misery before I saw the first one. The farther north the more Obama. Overall 3-1 the McFailin team.

Western Kansas and particularly Missouri very big on Halloween decorations. So many and a number that that were done so well. There's a bunch of kids going to get the shit scared out of them soon I think.

Still a lot of road kill but not many deer. Possums started showing up in Missouri.

Went to the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium. It was fun. The video was taken there. Went close by to a casino for a couple minutes and left with 25 more than what I walked in with. It was a good day!


  1. uh yeah, last time I checked bat rays were saltwater fish. are most of the aquariums salt water?

  2. These two rays were by themselves so it must have been a saltwater tank.

    The rest were definatly fresh.

  3. NMRMA has aquariums representing the whole river--from headwaters to Gulf of Mexico, hence salt water tank
