
Of Course He's Guilty

Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens guilty!

They're all fucking guilty too every last one of them in this administration starting from day one in 2000 when they started their illegal spying continuing with an invasion based on lies,purging of judges and the outing of a CIA operative to list just several.

There's enough evidence known even at this time to convict these country raping killers even in a court of imbeciles. These sonsofbitches on the right are the most morally corrupt individuals in the history of this country and need to be held accountable for their dastardly deeds of doom perpetrated upon us. Maybe just maybe this will happen as they deserve no less.


  1. Gorgeous House! You bet he is guilty! The lying arrogant bastard I hope they burn him! Hell 5 years and he had no idea his house had that done? BS!

  2. They lie with impunity because they are allowed to.

  3. i so wish he would be sent to prison -- but he wont be.... and if the bastard wins next week

  4. outa the cornfield
    I am going to have to shut down about mid day today to finish preparations for tomorrows move. I will be down for only a day or two I hope as i have to have jacks installed and everything else. Take care and bear with me!
