
What I Saw Yesterday

Not a whole hell of a lot. One live deer and a number of dead ones. A bunch of dead coons and a also dead rooster pheasant. Also saw bunches of pro-life propaganda along the highway plus plenty signs for the McFailin team and not many people. Towns and businesses looked worn out in some ways. The high lite was the museum. I failed to mention yesterday this is located in Republic county and is very close to the Republican River. At one time there were over 3000 Pawnee living here until contact with the white man who introduced disease almost wiped them out. Literally saw nothing that warranted stopping or turning around for a picture. So bland out this way. Click on these and they become huge.

This is very interesting.
Very dark inside and the sacred bundle is shown hanging here and out of respect no direct photos were allowed.
The roofs were covered with clay and over a period of time were covered in grass.
Here you can see the main structural post holes.
One thing I learned was that many of the Plains Indians reached 6' plus and it was not unusual to hit 7'. No wonder the white boys were scared shitless of these guys initially.

Hope to get some pictures tomorrow and some decent food.


  1. Neat pics! Is the lead photo of "Massacre Canyon" mentioned in the photo of the text?

  2. Very interesting! I loved running around and exploring areas like your first picture. You are right doesn't look like there is much there but just curious why all the dead animals? It is too bad that it is a Republican area and the name of the river. I am really turned off by the word today!

  3. I am tired of seeing animals run over on all the roads around here too. I want a bumper sticker that says "I break for Life!" all life forms. I know sometimes it can't be avoided but it's just ridiculous the amount of roadkill around here. Just think if these animals were human! The outrage would be palpable but because they are "merely" animals, no one cares a fig.
