
Bin Laden Still Alive??

U.S. intelligence agencies believe Osama bin Laden is isolated from al Qaeda and spending much of his energy merely surviving, the head of the CIA said on Thursday. CIA Director Michael Hayden said hunting down bin Laden remains his agency's priority.

I'm unclear why this is even in the news at this time. This agency is as inept as the monkey. If they really wanted this guy they would have been after him. For whatever reasons they did not and we continue to pay the price for installing this administration into office for two times.


  1. My next door neighbor recently visited her home country, Iran, and they seem to be convinced there that OBL is dead.

    Eh, who knows?

  2. I think it is much more likely that he is dead. His name is thrown around here to scare us into whatever it is that they want us to do--whether that is to spend more money on warfare tactics or whatever.
