
Teen Girls Are Getting Knocked Up Because Of TV And That Ain't The Half Of It

Exposure to some forms of entertainment is a corrupting influence on children, leading teens who watch sexy programs into early pregnancies and children who play violent video games to adopt aggressive behavior, researchers said on Monday

Do you suppose?? One can be a peckerhead straight outta a cornfield and figure that one out.

More importantly the article failed to mention TV and the majority of those who spew their noxious shit over the airwaves are the reason about half of those who live in this country are brainwashed propagandized undecided simpletons and for some time have lost their ability to recognize what is right and what is wrong. What is the truth and what is a lie.

We maybe are so screwed more so than ever before and will possibly know tomorrow night or Wednesday just how much.


  1. the reason about half of those who live in this country are brainwashed propagandized undecided simpletons

    I do believe that to be true.

  2. We're so damn smart and that's said in jest but that is the only thing that fully explains why people choose to believe the untruths.
