
Bush Damn Near Gets Hammered In The Side Of The Head By Shoes In The Heavily Fortified Green Zone

Muntadar al-Zeidi, threw two shoes and missed the dodging target. He was heard saying to himself later "Allahdamnit I fucking missed- sonofabitch anyway".

I'm sorry he missed too. This is one American who appreciates the efforts Iraqi's are making. Mr. al-Zeidi gets OTC's stamp of approval for not accepting a bunch of bullshit during a press conference from a known liar and killer. Two big toes and two thumbs up and please let there be video. And there is-OH HAPPY DAYS -enjoy

Took the video out because it was making the page load slow.

This will live in infamy. Another embarrassing chapter in the chimp's blunder of a life.


  1. i wonder if they were condi's shoes

  2. It's a great day for all the underdogs of the world!

    P.S. I love this blog. Glad I found you. Thanks for the video help, too.

  3. I wonder if all Iraqi newsmen will be required to take off their shoes in future press conferences?

    Did you hear what Der Decider said afterwords? Pairs Hilton is smarter than this guy.

  4. Yes the underdogs scored today. A lot smarter!!

  5. No more shoes in the White House or vicinity. . .
    Damn Iraqis don't throw shoes for shit!
