
Wingers Can't Decide What Bush Is

A writer for the National Review goes back a 100 years for a quote to describe Bush.

“He flung himself from the room, flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions.”

That prompted an angry response by Michael Gerson, Bush’s former White House speechwriter, in The Washington Post in defence of the “compassionate conservatism” of his boss.

This came from an article about Bush's third of a billion dollar library and how history will look at him.

After Obama says "I do" I hope he drop kicks Bush's sorry ass all the way to Dallas to prepare to take his rightful place in the corner of his library with the dunce cap on.


  1. I think it's hilarious that Laura is putting out a memoir, but the publisher is tell W. to wait five years as nobody would want to read it now. I'm not too sure about then either.

  2. I hope the property taxes go out the roof where that morons library is and bankrupts the whole town so they end up foreclosing on the sonofabitch.
    THAT would be justice.
