
Going Once-Going Twice

On the back of an Afghan army truck, U.S. officials paid $40,000 in Afghan currency to representatives of the 15 people killed — $2,500 for each death plus $500 for two wounded men and $1,500 for village repairs.

Paying out money to those killed never once admitting fault. The most telling statement was-

But Weir said the U.S. couldn't just stop targeted raids on leaders of militant cells."When you stop these operations, the bad guys get more IEDs (bombs) in place, they bring in more foreign fighters, they destroy the bridges we build," he said. "It just goes on and on."

No shit Sapphire! What a shitty job this must be going out and doling out cash to people whose family members have been killed and their only crime being innocence. And it will go "on and on" no matter how much money we throw at these people. We have learned nothing and it's only going to get worse.

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