
He Told You It Was Gooses-They All Did !!

And you wonder why you can't sell papers as big dumb media called the bird strike a theory until today when

a feather found on a wing, backed the early theory that birds caused the near disaster

Casting a suspicion of doubt to play up the drama. Fuck you big time.

You can see a flock of geese for miles if conditions are right. And when you fly into them even at speed I'm sure one can see them real good.

You didn't cast doubt in '03 with Iraq and that always earns another fuck you.

BIG WHORE MEDIA you are as guilty as all the others because of the state of affairs our nation faces now.

1 comment:

  1. While bird strikes were certainly a possibility, there are so many other possible ways that something can fail on a take off and cause an engine failure that they were right to be cautious. When I was back in that area a couple of weeks ago, there were Canadian geese all over the place in huge numbers, so I never doubted the possibility.

    I read one article today (I think was in the WSJ) saying they'd found bent turbine blades consistent with a bird strike.

    Incidently, in science a "theory" is usually considered to be an explanation that's supportable. It really doesn't get more certain than that.
