
Is There A Plan

After two years and an election where the people spoke and the Republicans got their asses handed to them it's time for what appears to be obstruction as usual.

Republicans Are Resistant to Obama’s Stimulus Plan

The same piece of shit repug senators and that crying worn out rectum house minority leader have made it clear what they plan on doing along with the help of of some dims.

Will it be different now or does the Obama team have a plan to negate what is sure to come from these people who have no intention of moving this country forward but only to continue to further their goosestep agenda of the dark side.

I hope to see something because if these few can continue to hold this congress hostage we'll be in deeper shit then we ever thought.


  1. These cocksuckers never saw a Bush Administration request they didn't like..and now they have the balls to balk at Obama's attempts to right the ship?

    ps...love your header dude! ;)

  2. We'll see what happens guys but right now it's looking like there will be no honeymoon.

    Thanks Dusty, I like this kind of stuff too.

  3. What is wrong with the Democrats?

    Is it Stockholm syndrome?

  4. Could be Nunya-that's as good of explanation as anyone else. I've said for a long time they have been threatened but with the chimp gone that theory has lost any credibility if it had any in the first place.
