
It's A Good Day In America

Eight years of intolerable behavior is about to end. Many others have written on this event much better than I can so this will be short.

Can you imagine what it must be like to be the most hated man in the world. People will be dancing in the streets,bush,desert,rain forest,everywhere because he is despised by all.

May the hope that tens of millions feel be fulfilled and that we begin the road back to what we all envision our country to be.

It is a very good day today!


  1. In less than two hours "our long national nightmare will be over". The collective soul of our nation will finally be untethered from the most corrupt administration in memory. Today hope and new beginnings fill our heads as we view the parade and swearing. Tonight many will dine and toast too much but who can blame us. So, uncork the bottle, dance your pants off and release eight years of frustration. Tomorrow the work of true patriots begins, even with a bit of a hangover, as we fill in the outlines of President Obamas'rough draft. All of us must know we have little room for error and not much time. Let us make sure we don't get fooled again. God bless us and guide us one and all.

  2. It's nice to have a breath of fresh freedom

  3. And no longer are we considered unpatriotic!!

  4. Well, we're considered unpatriotic by slightly fewer federal employees, at least.

    Today was a good day, though. Whatever happens the next few years, we'll at least have a little bit of hope that things will get better.

  5. It was a wonderful day in America. I was at the Inauguration and there were 2 million people, many of them strangers, hugging each other. The mood was one of joy. Even the Capitol police were smiling.
