
No Pictures Of Mugabe's She Bitch

Grace Mugabe, 43, known as the First Shopper of Zimbabwe, flew into a rage has beaten up and punched repeatedly in the face A Sunday Times photographer in Hong Kong.

Sweet Grace all pissed off after getting her picture taken had her body guard hold this guy down while she pummeled him with her jewel encased hands causing numerous cuts to this mans face and then runs away. Nice!

President almost Obama even with so much on the plate can we add a side dish of Zimbabwe please? It is long overdue the US begin to take an active role in what is happening in this country. These are the types of issues found in Zimbabwe I want my country to be involved in. Places where a bit of positive change can impact millions with little cost and no war plus make some friends too.


  1. Agriculture - products: corn, cotton, tobacco, wheat, coffee, sugarcane, peanuts; sheep, goats, pigs
    Industries: mining (coal, gold, platinum, copper, nickel, tin, clay, numerous metallic and nonmetallic ores), steel; wood products, cement, chemicals, fertilizer, clothing and footwear, foodstuffs, beverages The World Factbook (CIA) Zimbabwe

  2. President Obama said in his inaugural speech,

    "To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."

    Mugabe and his corrupt family will be in the firing line!
