
Sorry But It's Haggard Again

There is a fresh gay accusation against this slug who is out promoting a documentary on himself.

This time from a young man who was a volunteer at Haggard's church who had remained silent until now. A church spokesman had this to say about the man making the allegation.

"I think what caused this young man to be a bit aggravated was Ted being seen as a victim, when he himself had experienced a great deal of hurt," Boyd said."I seriously doubt this man would have come forward if the documentary had not been made."

The hypocrisy of so called "Christians" especially in this case of Ted Haggard and in particular when he is the focus of a documentary about the trials and tribulations he has faced and then gets caught once again for the nutso religious piece of skunk shit that he is goes too far!

The sonofabitchs face should never be seen on a TV screen but no America loves this and the media is way too happy to oblige.


  1. If there was anyone at HBO who had a lick of sense, they would shitcan that documentary and tell ol' Ted to pound sand.

    His wife should reclaim her self respect and divorce his fucking ass and tell HER story!

  2. Fresh accusation yes, but about incidents that happened almost 3 years ago...when the original scandal broke.

    I'm not inclined to cut Pastor Meth any breaks, but this is really old news.

  3. They really piss me off! Every one of those holier than thou's come up corrupt and incestuous. They should be banned from public life!
