
Bullshit Called On The Pentakillers

The United States army is to accept immigrants with temporary US visas, for the first time since the Vietnam war. But those with temporary visas will be offered accelerated citizenship if they enroll. The Pentagon hopes the scheme will cover shortages in areas like medical care and language interpretation.

Scheme is the key word here. This story is not new. Don't let anybody shit you as this is just another way to find fresh cannon fodder to participate in our failed doctrine of aggression around the globe.

"It could eventually provide the army with one in six of its recruits."

Yea I have a major fucking issue with this shit. If citizens of this country are not willing to become part of the military machine then it is not a viable entity. Possibly 17% of the military could be non citizens. Bullshit!

What I really call into question is how in the hell does the Pentagon get to manipulate the rules in place for the procedure to gain citizenship without oversight from congress. That's what pisses me off the most!


  1. Honey, you might as well get all the rage overwith in one series of books.

    The American Empire list is really long.

    The two that really opened my eyes first were

    The Sorrows of Empire Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic by Chalmers Johnson

    Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic also by Chalmers Johnson

  2. My Grandfather came off the boat from England and joined WW1 for his citizenship. It is far from new ans it was even used during the Revolution!
    I can try to dig it up but I did a story because of this about two years ago and they were going to be advertising overseas. I am sure they will get plenty of recruits though I firmly believe that every singe fit individual should do their time!

  3. Why don't we just create a Foreign Legion, like the French.

  4. Further endorsement of Chalmers Johnson, here.

    Meanwhile, Empires in decline ALWAYS offer citizenship to exogenes who eat the Emperor's salt. Iirc, in late Rome, a Persian, or a Goth who survived 20 years in the Legions automatically won citizenship. Of course, surviving that long in a Roman legion was quitre a trick, which not many managed.

  5. Oy vey...what else will these fuckwits think of next?
