
Cat Killer

This nasty bastard broke into his former girlfriends house and killed her cat in an act of revenge. What a worthless piece of shit. At least he got caught. This prick needs to do a few hundred hours of community service at the local animal shelter.


  1. Better to peg him to the ground for a few hundred hours, spray him with a puree of fish, refreshing it periodically, and let the neighborhood cats lick him clean, again and again.

  2. In my home state, he'd do three years or so in the state pen for that.

  3. I think the volunteering at the animal shelter is a great idea and tool to teach empathy for animals. Just like men who think women like being raped should go work at a rape/domestic abuse shelter to learn how to be more empathetic with women and their issues.

  4. I am with E.B..jailtime for this bag o batshit.
