
Charge Phelps? Inbred Idiocy At Work In The South

The badges in South Carolina are ready to file charges against this young man if they find more evidence a crime was committed.

"The bottom line is, if he broke the law, and he did it in Richland County, he's going to be charged," Cowan said. "And there's no difference between Michael Phelps and several other people that we arrest for the same type of a charge everyday."

I get so sick of this type of mentality that is decades old. Had said on a comment somewhere there will be assholes somewhere who will want to punish this national hero for doing what tens of millions do on a daily basis. I have a feeling that's what will happen in the end. Hope not but chances are good.

The lunatic fallacy of the dangers of pot must continue to live in the empty mind caverns of dumb fuckers who are too far gone to look at the numbers and the facts concerning this substance.

Before I croak can I please see at least one day where I am not considered a criminal in the eyes of John Law. Sonsofbitches!


  1. I am sorry! I can not see how anyone can call smoking pot a crime. I know many scientists and Doctors who do and Phelps won 8 Golds how the hell can they realistically say it is bad for you. I just don't friggen get it. To each his or her own I say!

  2. Sheriff Dumb-Cluck is probably working both sides of the drug war. Either that or he's thinking "Oh shit, why do I have to deal with the famous kid?"

  3. I remember there being quite a push for changing marijuana laws in the late '70s. Needless to say, not a thing was fixed that time. I don't think any of us will live to see the day when we stop wasting money, time, and lives on this "war".

  4. I don't think so either Cujo unfortunatly.
