
Generals Want 23 Months Instead Of 16

The timelines under discussion are 16 months, proposed by Obama as a centerpiece of his presidential campaign, 19 months and 23 months, the officials said. A U.S. defense official said Ray Odierno, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and David Petraeus, the head of U.S. Central Command, favored the 23-month option.

Obama has supposedly said he will listen to his commanders in his decision making concerning Iraq. That's just fucking peachy. The past seven years have been a goddamn nightmare. 16 months was too fucking long to begin with and now the big guns want 23. What the fuck will they want next?

President Obama I hope you start wearing some good ear plugs and turn away from these people who love war and stick to what you told us. It's bad enough that you're going to have your very own Vietnam in Afghanistan so what's the point of drawing out the failure in Iraq any longer. Get our ass out and head next door to ramp up the next debacle.


  1. Obama's first move as C-in-C should be to replace Gen Odie Colognie, preferably with someone with a logistics background to get things moving quickly and smoothly.

  2. President Obama invites people to share their opinions with him. He made it clear in the past that listening to someone doesn't mean that he will do what they suggest. He allows people to speak and then he acts on a situation as he chooses.
