
Iowa Guard Calls Off Invasion

UPDATE 2/23/09
This exercise has not been called off but will not be held in Arcadia but on base.

Col. Hapgood is lying through his teeth here. This dumb ass scheme was not changed because of a troop evaluation but because people were fucking pissed off in the cornfield and many other places that troops were training in how to invade us "We the People". I will to find out where this was hatched.

And while Hapgood confirmed the Guard had been inundated with objections from citizens concerned about soldiers patrolling the streets of an American town, he said most came from people out of state and unfamiliar with the operation. Iowans, he explained, typically cooperate with the Guard. The change in plans was based on troop evaluation, he said, not public outcry.


  1. Lying fucking bastard.

    You know he is pissed off about his little plan getting announced.

    Load 'em if ya got 'em.
    They are still moving ahead with the program.

  2. Okay now I read it! You really have to be concerned as the military has been training for some time to deal with citizen unrest.
    I have posted on it more than a few times. By geezus it's coming!
