
Proof There Need To Be Term Limits And Brains

According to a senior member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the economic embargo on Cuba, "has failed." Republican Richard Lugar said the policy, "has failed to achieve its stated purpose of 'bringing Democracy to the Cuban people, and it may have been used as a foil by the regime to demand further sacrifices from Cuba's impoverished population."

The embargo started in 1962. Do the math on that and Lugar on the years he and other long time congress people have supported this punishment against Cuba. Almost all whether new or entrenched in government have gone along with this failed effort.

Put you money where your mouth is Lugar and get this embargo ended. Yea right-I'll believe it when it happens.

1 comment:

  1. In my mind, without a doubt, this has to be the most idiotic, stupid assed and short sighted policy that has outlived it's usefulness for over thirty years.

    Pull yer head out of yer ass and normalize relations with Cuba for God's sake!

    What the HELL can Cuba do to us?

    By the way, I want a Monte Cristo cigar tomorrow and first dibs on a 1957 Chevy two door post that still runs.
