
Remember Ward Churchill

You know the prof from CU who coined the phrase "little Eichmanns" and was crucified across the country for dosing out a bit of reality.

I read his piece right out of the box and I have no issue with that not even a little bit. The truth hurts but it does not lie. He comes across as very militant which he is so it's easy for most to dislike him but in my opinion his logic is sound and enjoy listening to him because of his passion.

For the record he is a native American no matter what the whore press may say.

In any case there is a lawsuit in process that he was illegally dismissed and I hope he wins. He and former Gov Bill (asshole hard core repug) Owens came together and Owens showed just how big a horse's ass he really is. Link


  1. Ward Churchill at Binghamton University in April 2007:


  2. Updates on the trial: http://wardchurchilltrial.wordpress.com/

    Sorry for the spam. Like your site.

  3. It's not spam BMW. Appreciate the visit and the link. Will put this up on the blog roll as I think this to be very important.
    One Fly
