
Scratch One Coal Fired Power Plant

A Montana utility is dropping plans for a 250-megawatt, coal-fired power plant near Great Falls and will instead build a smaller natural gas plant and some wind turbines, company officials said Monday.

In the past two years, at least 78 coal projects have been canceled or put on hold, according to the environmental advocacy group Source Watch.

The writing is on the wall for some of these utility companies that coal is not the answer. 900 mil compared to 200 million for natural gas and wind. Costs more to produce power but people are willing to pay a bit extra for cleaner energy.

1 comment:

  1. WTF! Just saw a commercial Monday praising the benefits of "clean coal." (Mostly that it is available in America.)
    I have yet to see any data supporting the BS idea that coal is "clean." Are the utilities dropping the idea of being able to meet emission requirements? Not tooo long ago, ending pollution from coal-fired plants was expensive but do-able.
