
UN Body Warns Against Pot - Remains Mired In Dark Ages

A UN drugs agency has warned against the danger of underestimating the power of cannabis.
Cannabis is often the first illicit drug taken by young people and is frequently called a "gateway drug".

The evidence is clear here after meticulous research the results are in.

By the non-use of this substance one stands the high probability of suffering from severe close mindedness and renders the person almost incapable of any rational thought on this matter.

Finally it has all come together.


  1. haha...werd...

    here's a simple test we can all run...

    let's take 50 male college freshmen and put them in Room A....

    let's take another 50 male college freshmen and put them in Room B...

    In Room A we deposit 4 ounces of marijuana along with relevant paraphernalian...

    In RoomB we deposit two kegs of beer along with relevant paraphernalia....

    We return in 2 hours...

    Which one would you rather have unleashed in your neighborhood?

  2. There you go again Rev. You're going to piss off the believers.

  3. Here in New Mexico, Budwiser's industrial horse piss is the gateway drug, at least for the folks for whom it makes sense to talk about gateway drugs, the poor and the immigrants, and such.

    (We don't talk about "gateway" drugs for middle-class white people, we talk about 'gated communities.')

    People who use cannabis DO go on to use other drugs. But people who drink coffee do, too.

    As do people who use cough syrup.

    The real reason why cannabis is so feared is that is it so much more difficult to bullshit a stoner, cuz they KNOW it's all bullshit...

  4. Everyone who ate tomatoes in 1850 died. Should all tomatoes be banned? Of course not, everyone who lived in 1850 eventually died!
    Dum dums and their jingoistic cause and effect reasoning...

  5. Another excellent post today at Alternate Brain on the subject with link to an excellent editorial on same.

  6. P.S.
    Today's pic is of my dream home before the deck was built.

  7. Alcohol is the most abused drug in the world but the establishment is well invested in their stocks and businesses!

  8. Oh. My. God.

    What horseshit. I was fixing cocktails by the time I was 11. BEFORE I ever tried pot.

    Wouldn't want to upset the power base, or take away their shares in for profit prisons.
