
Check 'Em Out

Have added three new blogs to the blogroll.

Old & N the Way
is real new. From Willis's profile.

I'm Retired for now from a long career in aircraft maintenance and engineering for a large carrier. I'm a musician, a Viet Nam vet, & a hippy left over from the 60's.

I want to hear what guys like these have to say.

Prairie Sun has been posting at Prairie Sun Rising for a little over a year. Has been writing about Roxana Saberi who is from Fargo too and currently in prison in Iran. This is good stuff!

The third I originally left out is Gramps at Leftist Grandpa. He's been around for quite awhile but he's a grandpa. Hell-he's old. Not as old as me. But we don't think old now do we. None of us do.

On a side note my choices and the results of BAD days were a failure for the most part. These three have taken the place of others. Welcome!!


  1. Thanks for the update on your links,One Fly.

  2. I forgot you Gramps. Was going back to include you but you beat me to it. Still go back. Sorry.

  3. One fly, yer only as old as ya feel.
    For me, some mornings it's 16 others it's 90.

    Thanks for linkin' me, pal.

  4. Hi -- Thanks for the link to my site and your concern about Roxana Saberi. Will keep writing about her story until she comes home to Fargo safe.
