
It's The Mumbo Jumbo Season

How I hated this time of the year(Lent) when I was a kid. Punished for shit I had no part in. Generally gave up candy but cheated whenever possible. The worst was the rosary every night. Pure fucking torture for me. 15 minutes that took an eternity and of course you had to kneel the whole time.

Modern day Catholics are beating themselves by giving up Facebook during this time.

This year, adults — the fastest-growing Facebook demographic group — have taken on the challenge. Now Italian Roman Catholic bishops are onto it. Sort of. They're urging believers to take a high-tech fast for Lent by switching off iPods and abstaining from instant text messaging.

This straight out of the Catholic play book.

Paul Griffith, a professor of Catholic theology at Duke Divinity School, said the church doesn't have a problem with technology as such -- only its overuse.

Not allowed to have too much of a good thing when you're doing business with Benny the Rat because then it becomes a sin you see. Punishment must be metered out in some form or else life behind the pearly gates is in jeopardy. Sheez!

Whether it's Islamic fundamentalists flagellating themselves or Catholics punishing themselves during Lent the symbolism is one in the same with each side calling the other crazy.
Double sheez!!


  1. Screw religion, it's all a farce....and every one has their own Book of Lies, whether it's called the Bible, or the Koran, or whatever, it's just a Book of Lies.

  2. Amen dude..they are both horrific and disgusting. Remember the crusades...a religious war if ever there was one.

  3. I caught that, them wanting you to stop during Lent. Screw that I'll give up candy I don't touch the stuff anyway. I am a damn good christian, don't go to church and not Lent. I am already good to go!

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