
Just Say No To Any Truth Commission But YO To Criminal Prosecution

I have been inundated with e-mails calling for support of Leahy's truth commission to get to the bottom of Bush and his partner's in crime treasonous deeds.

No fucking way Jose! Why-cause from what I've seen there will be immunity involved. There were considerations given to Rover and Miers and we're not going to be in on what these two say while under oath. I smell a rat.

Why the fuck do I have to waste my precious time explaining to these Dims how to play this game? Anybody who has an ounce of fucking brains knows that these bastards are not going to give anybody up unless forced and even with immunity many will get away with crimes that would normally put them in the slammer for the rest of their days.

There is enough information out there and has been for some time to file charges against any number of people who have committed treason and crimes against humanity. Senators sitting around with their thumbs up there asses serves no purpose but to delay. This must be done and we are in the majority here.

Let the jury decide! Get on your goddamn horses and ride damn it.


  1. My take on the Truth Commission is that it will be used as a grand jury and will collect facts and motives which will allow all of the facts to be brought forward to 2009 and be re-entered in the public record and the more salacious and damning actions displayed to the world. Allowing the Democrats to use public opinion as the force to then have a special prosecutor appointed to prosecute the actions of whoever the public deems worthy of trial. Sharpen the shank, put in slow and then drive it in all the way.

  2. Prosecution is the only way, because I think we all know that the only thing the 'Truth Commission' is gonna get is allot of "I don't recall" from either of them.

  3. They're criminals.
    Prosecute 'em!

  4. Turn about would be fair play here wouldn't it. I mean arrest them, keep them in a brig for four years without charge, torture them. See how they like it. Only mildly joking.
    A full criminal prosecution is in order. I was only following orders did not apply for the Nazi's at Nuremberg and shouldn't here.

  5. Let's not get too carried away with tearing down the joint down at Gitmo. "Truth Commission"? I fucking DOUBT it. Remember the 9-11 "comission"?

    There is no doubt that these scumbags broke laws. We don't need a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing.
