
One Mil On Terror Watch List - Time For A Change Here Too

Enigma at Watergate Summer has posted this below on an important issue that is easy to overlook but now can and should be changed. These smaller issues and when we're talking a million I guess it's not small when corrected can make a major difference in peoples lives. Thanks for that Enigma!

This is an issue that needs to be addressed, too many Americans are on this list to justify it's purpose. Their lives are restricted and monitored, their Freedoms are effected. There is NO proof that this List has in any way made America safer, it is Orwellian Paranoia to say that it has....People on the list suffer, they are restricted in Travel, "tagged" so they can not get credit or jobs....And yes, under Bush Activists and Concerned Citizens were placed on the List. IF you think you are on The List, do contact the ACLU.....and we do need Someone in DC to start working on repairing this situation. Link to article.


  1. It's about time Obama and Congress did something about this, the new Red Scare.

  2. I most definitely agree.
