
Thanks Colorado Dims

Under Senate Bill 108, owners of cars and SUVs will pay an extra $32 the first year, $36.50 the second year and $41 the third year.

I can understand where Republicans get some of their fodder and this is an example. We all know how taxes drain us but this pisses me off as it's not fair. All this was pointed out but they went ahead and passed it anyway.

At present for one of my vehicles the registration fee is $26. With an additional 123% increase for next year that will now be $58.

With a 158% increase for the third year that same registration will cost $67.

I will pay my share and always have. My bitch is that why in the hell do little people like myself get lumped into the same category as the rich bastards? My vehicles make a very small footprint compared to most others on the road.

There were several ways to make this more equitable but instead the Democrats here chose to screw without mercy the ones who put them in office.

Kiss my ass on this one you guys.


  1. I understand why you're pissed.
    This whole thing should have been done differently. Using engine size and horsepower would have made more sense.

  2. $26. ??? $67?

    When Arnie rolled back the $300 reg to $75 I was thrilled.

    It's going back up.

    I do understand your point, but when haven't the Rethugs slapped the middle and lower income people for the rich's share of taxes?

  3. The last time I drove to Phoenix I didn't see hardly any trucks except Wal-Mart trucks and
    those fucking Waltons ain't hurting.
