
War Fronts - The Score Card

For February

16 dead

Afghanistan 30 dead in '09

Drug War Can somebody please start waving the white flags.

Get a load of this

"It has a lot to do with the fact that we have a presence in places and going into places and disrupting insurgents in area where they haven't been bothered much," Col. Greg Julian, the top U.S. spokesman in Afghanistan, said Saturday. That, he said, means more battles and more attacks.

Fuck me to death running.

Life is much better when you're not being bothered. People not insurgents are the ones being bothered.

Replace that word with killed for a true definition of the situation.

This is not going to be good and it's full speed ahead for the war machine.


1 comment:

  1. i fucking hate the way they talk about war... like it's a fucking football play or something....
