
I'll Believe It When It Happens

Obama sets out plan for nuclear-free world.

That is a very good idea brought up before on many occasions. Let's git 'er done. Want me to go around and start pulling the plugs on ours as a sign of good faith I can start tomorrow early-is 7 okay?

Since I'll now be a g-man send me the transcript of what Rover and Miers said under oath behind closed doors. I promise I won't tell. The other thing is the list of secret bank clients from Switzerland. That'll be safe too count on it. Fed Ex overnight is preferable.

Thanks in advance.


  1. Nuclear free world.

    Yeh...right...like he'd get rid of the ones we've got....you betcha.

  2. no. this is a discussion we must have. what's wrong with bringing the subject up? it just points out Baraks's beleif that we can only have a different world if we are willing to exchange long held values for new policies that are arrived at through new think discussions.

  3. putting genie back in the bottle?
    i doubt it.

  4. There's a phrase to describe President Obama's words... a pipe dream.

  5. That's for sure Cat's and I know that none of us are knocking our Prez but just pointing out the reality.
