
Iraq's Test Case Against American Soldiers

Iraq's prime minister on Sunday denounced a predawn American raid in southern Iraq during which two Iraqis were killed, saying his government intends to prosecute U.S. soldiers who carried out the operation.

If Vegas has odds on this put your money on it not happening.


  1. When are the Iraqis going to just let go and move forward. Heck its' been 24 hours already and we don't want to get bogged down in the past and tear Iraq apart. Investigation of wrongdoing by Americans is "sooo...last week" and anyway we might find out something worthwhile which would cause us to question why we are in Iraq in the first place. Iraqis, like progressives in America, just have "to get over it already and move on." Can't we talk about the NFL draft or something important for once?

  2. I was listening to this, this morning. This will and is getting bogged down with lies or whatever. They should just drop it and kick us out.

  3. I am too tired right now to read the
    Iraq SOFA. (Status Of Forces Agreement in Iraq)
