
Is Complete Chaos Returning To Iraq Again

It appears that this could be a distinct possibility as surging one side with dollars was bush league to say the least. Dahr Jamail is back in Iraq and has been writing and interviewing people meaning Iraqi's who pretty much know what the hell is going on with the recent increase in the violence there. This does not look good.

At the height of the sectarian violence that ravaged Iraq between early 2006 and mid-2007, some days found 300 Iraqis being killed. Right now, Iraq is teetering on the brink of returning to that level of bloodletting.


  1. Short answer: Yes

    Longer: It was only ever a matter of time til it all blew apart again.

    Longer, still: We are sooooooo fucked...

  2. You two are very sharp. Want to join that elite group with a resounding boy are we ever fucked and I think we haven't seen nothing yet whether it's Irak,Afghannystan or here. Better make that a double fucked we are.
