
Someone Should Have Their Ass Kicked

Of course that never happens as ineptitude is the norm for so many.

The Army has permanently suspended the use of WoundStat. It could injure the lining and wall of a blood vessel and potentially lead to surgical replacement of the vessel, according to an April 17 All Army Activity message.
Among some other issues. This crap was no more effective than gauze but yet was approved by the FDA.

This ain't the worst of it.

More than 17,000 packages of WoundStat purchased in October were being distributed as a replacement for QuikClot, which sometimes caused second degree burns around the wound.

Could those who make decisions like this please pull their heads out of their asses!


  1. We need to get the manufacturers of these toxic products to stop bribing the officials who approve them.

  2. I wonder how much of a "premium" was paid to switch these products. Just another parting gift from our good buddies: Old Dick & Old Bush. This really stinks!!

  3. What the fuck is wrong with these idiots!?!
    These are our soldiers and they're trying to fuck them up even more after getting wounded.
    Does anyone at the FDA actually have a brain!?!

  4. I have learned the hard way that when a drug company touts that the FDA has approved their drug...its time to find an alternative. The FDA was politicized long before the Justice Dept it seems. Fuckers..
