

Looking forward to having a couple days off but in the mean time this is all I have and is an example of how this procedure is done.

It has been so nice and the wild flowers are going crazy and some of the pictures I've been taking even blow me away. That's why there is another columbine picture up.

Hope the weather and life is good for all of you!


  1. That is one beautiful colombine picture!

  2. Thanks jeg-I'll be in touch.

  3. Now I've seen everything... walk mowing. Beautiful picture of the columbine. This plant has finished blooming in Pennsylvania.

  4. That's how most high end courses do it Cats. These mowers cost about 6-8k and give a quality of cut below an eighth of an inch that the shitty golfers think they need so when they miss they can blame something other than how bad they are. Some of these pictures even surprise me-really.

  5. I can remember when I was a kid living across the road from a golf course that back then they would use long bamboo sticks, about 14 ft, and whip the dew off of the greens on the days that they did not mow them. Do any courses practice this technique today? What gets me about the flower pics is the clarity and sharpness, nice work. Swing HARD!

  6. Yes they do Russ and they call them dew whips but they're not made of bamboo anymore. I agree on these pictures as well. I will put several up in a post so you can click on them and really get a good look.

    Of course it rained yesterday and probably won't play this weekend but next week yes. Thursday did well.

  7. Hey, just a thought. What about composting the clippings from the greens. Free fertilizer.
