
I Am For The Ranch

310 one way and haven't been down since I was there returning from the March road trip to Kali. It will be in the high 90's so there may be a few beerski's drank even for me. Yea get pissed up and be somebody.

Friends will be there and good food plenty. I need a change of pace cause next week 17 windows will be put in hopefully in this abode of mine.

I'll have my eyeballs peeled for pictures and dumb ass drivers.

Thanks for stopping and all of you have a fun and safe weekend.


  1. you also have a fun and safe weekend
    i am actually going to the NJ shore - something i have not done in years

  2. I hope you have a good trip. And a good weekend.

  3. A tip of a tall one to ya.
    B safe my friend.

  4. Gorgeous flowers!
    Have fun on the trip and good luck with the windows.
