
Get Ready For Many More

It disgusts me to no end - no let rephrase that and tell it like it really is. It pisses me fucking off so goddamn bad to see this.

A U.S. service member was killed as the deadliest month for foreign troops in the Afghanistan war drew to a close, the U.S. military said on Friday, with commanders vowing to continue the fight despite the toll.

And there's not a damn thing we can do.

We used the process in place like we were supposed to do. It's called elections and we elected people who were supposed to address the wars we are in.

Well the facts are that we got screwed and these bastards do not deserve another chance to rape me/us again.

Our side loves war and death just as much as the crazy sonsofbitches on the other side.

How sad/bad is that?

Now Iraq says we can stay longer if we want. That's just fucking peachy.

Jeebus forking christ!


  1. OtC - We are getting so many mixed messages about stay/go/2011/ blah blah, I think it boils down to one thing: We're staying.

  2. I believe it was Emma Goldsmith who said "Voting is the new opiate of the masses". Stalin updated this with "It's not the number of votes that count, it is who counts the votes that matters." The electoral college ensures the diffusion of the will of the people; and rightly so to an extent. But today ending 2 wars, getting health care reform, etc are issues stifled by a very small number of elected officials bribed by corporate interests. David Sirota points out that Blue Dogs and Senate Republicrats, representing just 4% of the countrys' population, are stopping 96% of the people from getting health reform. How few people are stopping the end of the Irag war: 8%? Afganistan; 10%? The buying and selling of our country has never been so blatant as it is today: we are unintentionally killing our neighbors for a little bit of money. "Oh happy day, when Jesus walked. He took our sins away."

  3. This issue of the wars and health care graphically show how Barack is hamstringed by the powers in Washington. He is learning every day how entrenched these powers are and just needs time to figure out how to get the things he wants, done.

    Thankfully he is no doubt the most intelligent POTUS in awhile.
