
Same Old Song From Afghannystan

A comment from this post-

I am in the middle of a one year tour in the hell hole. I been here for almost 6 months. I am a combat soldier so i am saying for the record....its Hopeless. im up and down the Pakistan border every day.we win every engagement, and the taliban hide from us but the afghans dont want to stand up for themselves. it will never end. Oh, i almost forgot...Its a contractors heaven over here. the us govt is throwing away billions on contractors. Its a money grab for them.

Who knows if this is for real but it sure sounds like the same old song heard many times before.

I wonder about the contractor situation and I have to assume it's the same or worse than it was in Iraq.

1 comment:

  1. Who can tell if this is real or not. Some things are undisputable though: the "peace dividend" of the nineties must have been invested in derivitives via Bernie Madoff. War is a business and a very profitable one for some. Afganistan =s Big Profits. Support your country, support the troops, support American "exceptionalism": go shopping early and often. Buy! Buy! Buy! It's good for the war machine.
