
We Got Him Or Is It We Got Another One

How many of these guys have we gotten already? It's a bunch for sure. We've been getting these guys for a long time. Get one here then there but we get them over and over again.

The latest is Baitullah. Sounds like some kind of new catfish bait that might be sold in them red states down south but I guess it's a human from what the papers say. A Taliban human. A big man. Will this make the killing stop. Hell no we all know that. So what's the point?

It gives these whores and "news" sources something to do I guess as to confront the real story behind "getting another one" would prove too -well you know controversial and we sure can't go there ya know.

The story is you bastards is that there's another to take the place of everyone we kill and that's been the case for fucking years and it's never ending just like the "war on terrah" even though the new administration stopped using this term.

I want it to end-we all want it to end. I'm sick of your lame ass shit you pricks write about! Fuck everyone of you and the lame ass horses you ride in on.

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