
No This Is Not From A Turkey

But it is from a bird that that met an unfortunate ending.

It's from one of these a Blue Grouse. This poor fellow early in the morning flew into a gate  and when I found it delivered to me a very short time later it was still very warm and there was no hesitation on what needed to be done.

Tasted really good let me tell ya. His loss my gain. These birds are noted as not being that intelligent.


  1. easy on the salt. I'm game for that meal.

  2. I never want to hear you grousing about not having enough to eat. Is it better than partridge or quail? How about pheasant? Curious cooks want to know.

  3. Not as good as pheasant but better than the other I think.

  4. Nice to have fresh food delivered to your door.
    Looks tasty.

  5. hella tasty when slow cooked in the crock-pot, those birds are.
