
Thanks Demofems

So the House voted 240-179 for a "resolution of disapproval" against Herr Whore Wilson the nicest rebuke the house of pusswads has at their disposal. Don't want to be mean ya know or make it appear you're picking on a slime ball as that's not the way the dimmo's play.

Seven repugs were smart enough to understand that this inbred sonofabitch who is of the same party affiliation as themselves did something wrong and needed to be chastised. Not much but it's something anyway. I'm surprised it was that many.

Our side is another matter. 12 Demoslugs thought it was just fine that this southern cocksucker can say whatever he wants against our president even though he is the liar. Thanks for the support you pricks!

Then there are the five lowlife pieces of living pig shit who are supposed to be on our side who voted "present" rather than take a stance on this. You lame dick bastards every damn one of you.

If there is anyone out there who thinks there will be any quality legislation coming from this house of fucktards you are being far too naive cuz it just can't happen given the parameters in place at this time.

We/you/I are so screwed. Please chew my ass out when I'm proven wrong. That would make me so very happy I can't tell you how much.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with much that you say, OTC. I'll bet you 50 bucks the "present" and "no" votes were from Blue Dogs. Men of the South love to bond over beer, bimbos, bloodhounds and race- baiting. It's difficult to understand if your not a Bubba. Back-slapping crackers, rednecked peckerwoods and southern frat boys all can share a keg and some great lynchin' stories from their shared Southern heritage. Most of these inbreeds all share another common bond; their IQs are less than the farm animals they have sex with on Saturday nights. My only complaint with your rant is the use of fem after Demo. The women of the Democratic Party and Progressive women in particular have much larger cajones than than their male counterparts. Men would rather swap tall tales than take tough stances and votes. This s especially true of men, if you can call them that, born south of the Mason-Dixon line. Wants some grits with that racism, sugar?
