
As If Anybody Actually Gives A Shit

Only dumb fuckers-simple bastards and religiously insane monkeys could!

Ted Haggard is starting a prayer group.


  1. 7pm Old Ranch Road, got it on my calendar. But if he tries to sell me insurance I'm leaving.

  2. Oh my. How very sad. And you are right. Who really gives a shit what Ted Haggard does or doesn't do. Only Fox Opinion Network would care.

  3. Maybe Ted is having Carrie Prejean explain how God made her an entertainer/porn star. You can see her sing " Oh Come All Ye Faithful" accompanied only by an electric toothbrush for $29.95 thru Ted's new group: Haggard's Hypocrits and Perverts. I'm hoping they aren't planning a duet. Self-righteous freaks one and all.

  4. Ain't it hilarious how the most rabid faggot-bashers always turn out to be gayer than the gay mayor of gaytown? Look at a faggot basher, and you see someone who has his head so far in the closet that he has to talk outta his ass 'cause that's the only thing out in daylight. Poor ole' Teddy never did a whole lot of faggot-bashing, which makes me respect him a bit more than most of the Christian Taliban (and don't even get me started on those Catlick dress-wearin' kiddy fuckers, meow!), but the boy needs to face reality. He's gay. Gay gay gay gay gay. And it don't matter how hard he tries to pull that closet door shut, he ain't gonna be no less gay at the end of it, meow.
