
Back To A Balmy 5* This Morning

That's the real world here that a snow that will not go away until sometime in the next century. We got done what we intended to do meeting up with three great guys who blog and live in Albuquerque. Russ,Woody and Patrick were our hosts and we thank them for the great time we had bullshitting about many things and hope to do it again sometime.

Around here there is more shit for sale along the road something that was never like that. I see that most places I've been in Colorado but it didn't seem to be the case in New Mexico. The conclusion was from we braniacs from the north was that many who live there just never had that much to buy all kinds of shit they didn't really need but what do we know.

Another thing that stood out was the lack of horses. The boys from Albuquerque said there were plenty but I saw more horses the last 20 miles to home than I saw all the time in New Mexico I shit you not. There's so much money here but now some are squealing as the shit continues to hit the fan.

Have to go and the picture at the top is from Bandelier National Monument and this place is way too cool and came away with a bunch of interesting pictures. Have a good day!


  1. Looks interesting from the maps,etc. Best time to visit would be in May or late Sept. I went thru this area some in 1989 in early July coming from San Diego. It was very hot and bone dry. Makes for good black and whites, tho.

  2. Glad you had a good time with your blogging buddies, welcome back!

  3. Did you go to Bandalier this trip?

    I absolutely LOVE Frijoles Canyon, and the whole place...True story: Last time there, I wanted beans for lunch but they were out...in the bottom of Frijoles Canyon....go figger, hunh?

  4. Glad you guys had a ball! Man hearing the temp kind of amazes me. You guys usually have a short summer however this summer it seems to have gotten lost.

  5. Thanks friends and yes we did go there Woody and need to go back again. It was lost Jim and with 54 frost free days summers goes quickly no matter what.

  6. Welcome back from your adventures, expect to be reading about them soon.

    5 degrees, I've forgotten what that feels like, it was a chilly 52F at sunrise and a balmy 75F in the afternoon. No heat bills, no aircon running, windows open, but man do I hate July/August.

  7. Actually Holte don't have a whole lot to say cept it was good to be around people who are also friends and you think alike.

    Came away with quite a few pretty decent pictures of Bandelier a place I'd not been to and want to return. I need someone to pay me for doing this.

    One of us was hurting and what was interesting about that was he had a handicapped sticker. What a big help that is.
