
Dumb Bitch Didn't Think Voting Was Important

How about this as a new rule? Keep track of these slugs from either side as to whether they voted or not and if their record is not close to perfect sorry Charlie you don't getta play-fuck off and die.

And by the way Carly baby I'm still waiting for a response from you from the very personable hand written letter sent about the difficulties I had with HP and the piss poor computer I bought from you. Wingers I'm sure will love your sorry fat ass.

U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina is the second Republican running for high office in California to acknowledge a spotty voting record.

1 comment:

  1. With her "golden parachute" maybe Carly thought buying votes is more important than actually casting them. Or possibly she took to heart the Emma Goldman quote, " Voting is the opiate of the masses". In these cynical days and the disconnect among pols and people maybe she figures getting the failed economic policies of the last 30 years rebooted requires real individual iniative.
