
The Greatest "SHOW OF WHORES" Set To Begin

Senate poised to start health care debate



  1. I'm old enough to remember when Single Payer was first conceived of as the best solution to our national healthcare problems. Town Hall meetings,etc were held and momentum started to build around a strategy and solution. I was a strong suporter and talked to the Dems leading the charge then: Sens. Kennedy and Harkin and Congressman Pete Stark and Peter DeFazio were on my " Call the Congressman" list. The year was 1992 before Bubba was elected. Seventeen years later and Trillions of Dollars wasted: here we go again. A mashed up mess of leftovers from holidays past and still Americans search for the main course. What we're likely to get instead will be funny tasting appetisers, candied yams and marshmellow jello. No real nourishment but, hey, plenty of high fructose corn sweeteners and filler. Such is our sad state of affairs; forever wars and corporate craziness abroad and fear and insecurity at home. One of my three favorite Americans said of the mental state of the American psyche. " Of the demonstrably wise there are but two: those who commit suicide, and those who keep their reasoning faculties atrophied by drink and (drugs)". It was Mark Twain and the quote was written 130 years ago. Good luck and my sincere blessings to all those who expect to find solace and comfort in the wisdom of our national leaders. Adios, Amigos.

  2. oh shit, am I missing the debate?? I gotta get my life back, my addictive political blog life that I have put on the back burner since Thanksgiving week!!

  3. you're just joshing -right sue?

    I expect nothing and that hasn't changed from the very beginning.
