
He's Alive

And headed back at least to Colorado shortly. Was not going to post but a friend sent the picture that's up today that's pretty cool. A bit of news I saw this morning wanted to share so all of us know that things are looking up at GM and for our country. GM lost 1.2 billion smackers and it's a sign the auto giant is starting to turn things around. Rest easy friends everything is otay!

There's a day and a half of heavy duty screwing off that needs to be done so we're outta here and headed north to snow country.

Have a good one and giv'em hell!


  1. was good to meet you and yer pals, Tom...

    we gotta do it again...

  2. Intersting post/photo is excellent. Saw where the Tea-Baggers and Neo-Nazis hooked it up in Phoenix this weekend. Wonder which side "Sheriff Joe" was on. Have a good trip back.

  3. This is the first finger of the Mayan hands. When all 10 fingers cast their beams (2012) the First CornDudes will rise up and demand Pioneer Int'l Hybrid grow only green cash crops. OTC will become Primo Dispenser for the New Crop Circle of Friends. He will issue an edict, sanctioned by the Inner Circle of Couchpotatoes and Pizzanazis, and the world will embark on a new path of enlightenment for the next 2000 years. Colorado Springs will become Primo Dispenser's new home.

  4. Nice picture Tom, have a ball and a safe trip home. I am still hungry I don't know if you got me that burrito!

  5. Had a good time, have a safe trip.

  6. 36 yrs ago, to the day, Pres. Richard Nixon said " A country has got to know their President is not a crook. I am not a crook." Thank god that issue was cleared up once and for all. I've slept better all these years since knowing our Republican friends would never lie or break the law to advance a political agenda. How are you sleeping?

  7. I will be making a post on this little trip you guys. Funny shit ano!

    Really-thanks for the kind comments.
