
His Whoreness Opens Pie Hole Again

Staying at a place where they get a morning paper and what is the first thing I see.

Tancredo spews more fear from shit encrusted mouth that Obama is on his way to take your guns away-and that's no shit Cisco!

Get so sick of this shit but whats important here is the fact that people like this man are given a continual mouthpiece to spew their fears and lies. No wonder people are so damn stupid. I hate this paper with a passion and it would not bother me in the slightest to see this go belly up like the News did.

Gonna see if I can get lucky to find another place to stay tonight and head back up the hill tomorrow to where the snow is and get prepared for work on Monday. I don't wanna work no more-----bwahahahahaha!

There's two days left almost till Monday morning and I'm going to make it last as long as I can!

Giv'em hell and don't take any shit. Picture is another retread but it's a favorite as well. Won't be around the internets until Sunday afternoon sometime. Did I mention have fun as well! Later.


  1. Thank you, friend.

    Love that picture!


  2. Fly, have you considered exporting Tancredo to Mexico? :-)

  3. Newspapers publish these irresponsible hate-spewers because they think they can cash in yet another day. Sad that fishwrappers lost their way and helped take the country with them. In the sales business they are called "adcarriers"; like shithaulers are called honeywagons.
