
Many Believers Are Not Very Smart

Trying to be nice here for a change but lately the need to point out all the slugs associated with the non-existent finger snapper seems to dominate OTC and will get away from that if these people start to fly right which they won't but next week there's other stuff to post.

Put this molester away for a long time!

A brief submitted Friday by Tony Alamo’s defense team asks the federal judge who will sentence him for child sex abuse to have mercy because of his waning health, age and history of good works around the world.

People allow themselves to be fucked over by the likes of these charlatans not only cuz they're dumb but they wanna believe so badly which I guess the truth of the matter is that makes them double dumb.

Now this prick is whining and crying about how much good he's done and this and that. Put him so far back in the cell they have to pipe him the food!


  1. When sentenced he will probably get 175 years in prison. Sounds about right for a rapist.

  2. OTC- Check out what's going on with the Mohler family in Missery. More evil from the backwoods that you can shake a snake at. I'm not sure what Community is defined as in this Nuthouse of the Lord. It never ends with these religious weirdos from the South.
