
No Politician My Cornfield Ass

Col. Billy Buckner, a spokesman for Fort Bragg, said the Army agreed to let Failin on post because she was no longer a politician.

Fuck you Billy Buck you're as whored out as she is! Hope the next grounder that comes your way bounces up and nails you right between the eyes and knocks some common sense into you!

Now the simple slut's daddy is opening his pie hole.

“I see a decline in our might,” Chuck Heath said. “People used to be afraid of us and respect us, (but) they’re not afraid of us and don’t respect us anymore.”

Double fuck you as well asshole who in the hell do you think you are!

Where in the hell are the ones who have power on our side speaking out for what is right?

Lefty bloggers are the best pass all!!!


  1. One Fly come see my latest post and the link to Annette. She has a video up about a march on Washington thats gonna happen in January for OUR PARTY!! We gotta gather the masses and put the teabagger rallies to shame!!

  2. Now the Rev. Bill Graham is asking her to dinner. Pretty soon she will be flying to Rome to meet the Pope.

  3. None of us put much past these people. Would not surprise me a bit. Have a a great turkey day Holte and that goes for everyone that stops by today. Travel safe and enjoy friends and family.

  4. Maybe, just maybe, they're not on our side OTC. Maybe they're on their own side. Aside from Bernie Sanders, Dennis K., Peter DeFazio and Sherrod Brown maybe no one gives a shit except for self-preservation. P.S. Alan Grayson, too.
