
Pedophile Priests Shold Get Their Benefits Benny The Rat Argues

In this case the argument is also for priests that have not been convicted. Not many will have a problem with that because obviously they have not been convicted of any crimes. It's different with these other six. Call me an asshole and a mean sumbitch like the Mormonys do but I think priests convicted of buggering young boys should lose their pension!

After filing for Chapter 11 protection last month, the diocese agreed not to make payments to priests accused of sexual abuse without court approval. In a filing submitted late Thursday, attorneys for the diocese now seek authorization to provide pensions, housing costs and medical coverage to six confirmed child abusers.


  1. Housing costs? Medical coverage? If they've been convicted, it's curious that those issues are not currently being handled by the appropriate state prison.

    The diocese argues that pension payments would not be taken from funds that might be used to pay creditors, including abuse victims waiting for settlement payments.

    This implies that the diocese has some funds which are off-limits to paying settlements to abuse victims -- which ought not to be the case.

    Just more Church arrogance and corruption.

  2. The money will probably come from the Sunday collection plates; which logically comes from the parents and grandparents of the abused children. That's Catholic irony at its' best.
