
Sure Asshole You Didn't Mean Anything By It

Elected pricks at this level should have to pay a price for saying shit like this.

State Sen. David Schultheis said he didn't intend a recent Twitter post - which accuses the President Barack Obama of "flying the U.S. plane right into the ground at full speed" and ends with "Let's roll" - as a reference to Flight 93.

If I was Prez and some piece of fresh repug dog shit called me a fucking terrorist some how with all the tools at at hand "what goes around comes around" would be applicable-know what I mean.


  1. "Didn't intend" sounds like "Oops, got caught."

  2. The sad truth is most people seem to look past what you mean. Most Ameicans are "scared shitless", to coin a phrase. They're so afraid to speak out it is shameful. Who'd of thunk, 240 yrs after our revolution, that we'd be surrounded and enveloped by such cowardise. There are no heroes anymore just a bunch of triangulators who've never experienced a revalation let alone a revolution. The right speaks with impunity but the the so-called left has no guts, no insight and, therefore, no credibility. what we have instead is a bunch of poseurs, pimps and pols. My best to you for trying to point this out to the cowards we call our fellow citizens. But just watch what happens on the ground as these weak-kneed sons of liberty capitulate. No one is willing to go on record to defend anything. Saul searched, in the Bible, for 10 honest men. Hell, I settle for 5.
