
These Birds Live

But not the one I get to gnaw on this afternoon. He gave himself up for good cause though.

To anyone I missed may you all have a great time with friends and family today.

I am so thankful for what I have at this time in my life and I know you feel the same if you have not been affected as I by the economy. That's why we spread it around a bit because that can change in a second.

Thanks for stopping by on a Holiday.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Tom! Enjoy your day with good food and family!

    I'm thankful this day even tho my husband is out of work, we have no health insurance, but we are healthy and have family and we have food on the table! What more could a girl ask for?!

  2. Two toes and two thumbs up on that.

  3. OTC- I'm very happy that you're very happy. I'm very happy that I'm not in Iraq or Afganistan today eating turkey loaf. I'm very happy not to be in line downtown standing in the cold rain and putting my trust in the kindness of strangers. I'm very happy not to be dining with Sarah Palin and eating marinated moose nuts and mustard for appetizers. I'm very happy not to dining with Pres. Obama as he reflects on the best course to pursue in selling out Progressive Dems and picking which Repugs he has to sleep with. I'm happy Obama has picked 2017 as the year we will end our occupation of Afganistan. There is no coincidence with that date being the end of his potential 2nd term. I'm very happy that Dick Cheney is in some undisclosed location. I hope that murderer stays there as it would make me very happy. I'm happy that Tony Blair has earned his nickname "Poodleboy" yet again. Finally, I'm happy that you're with friends and love ones who nurture, love and understand your passions. Even if you have to pay them to do so. Turkeys Of The World Unite and Throw Off This Day Of Mass Genocide. Vaya con Dios, One Fly.

  4. Thank you again, friend.

    It's been a pleasure getting to know you this year and I look forward to the next one.

    Hope it wasn't too cold there!

    Love ya,

